Nobody’s Fault but Mine

This project is all about articulating my own vision for the creative industry.

Over the years, I’ve been involved in a lot of “vision projects,” helping agencies, holding companies, clients, and powerful executives talk about the future and what we have to do to build it. I’ve always enjoyed doing that kind of work, and always manage to sneak a healthy dose of my own thinking into the mix—but often the content of those ‘vision pieces’ ends up being self serving, or straight up contains ideas I don’t really agree with. We’re professionals, we do what we have to do.

Part of the vision game is to make it seem like the future is a nail that coincidentally fits exactly the hammer you already have, or else the hammer you’re already planning to build.

THIS VISION is not sponsored by any company or client, and as such this is me saying what I actually think, how I think we should look at things, and what I honestly believe we need to do to get past this awkward post-Internet phase in our industry.

My hope is that it sparks something, or maybe it leads to some interesting conversations that move things forward a bit. As I’m writing this we’re still in middle of the Pandemic, but hopefully when we’re able to have beers again, we can get together and do that.